Reconstruction of Fanes fishing harbor
The fishing harbor of Fanes is located on the Northwestern coast of Rhodes Island, approximately 30 Kilometers Southwest of Rhodes Town.
Existing conditions
Its present layout was in 1996 without, being preceded by a coastal engineering study. The impacts on the coastal morphology were immediate:
- Extensive accretion on the updrift (southwest) side of the port,
- Sedimentation and seaweed accumulation in the basin and entrance,
- Erosion downdrift (northeast) in front of a luxury hotel.
However, it was observed that after a point further upstream (~0.6km), the coastline showed strong signs of erosion.
Due to the severity of the sedimentation problems encountered, the Port Authority of South Dodecanese launched a preliminary design competition in 2012, with objective:
- Resolve the sedimentation of the harbor and control erosion downdrift
- Increase fishing harbor berthing capacity.
CNWAY proposal was awarded the first place for its highly innovative technical approach and for the increased functionality and solution efficiency. Subsequently, CNWAY undertook the completion of the study entitled "Complementary studies and final study of the project: Reconstruction Fanes Port" with the contract being signed in June 2015.
Complementary studies
A sediment transport study was undertaken in order to assess the performance of alternative layouts in addressing the present issues.
A wave disturbance study was carried out in order to investigate and evaluate the performance of the alternative layouts compared to the existing wave conditions.
Project facts
- Estimate project construction Cost 5,550,000€
- Unique external works design to divert sediments off the port entrance
- Fishing vessel capacity: 170 berths for boats up to 20 meters
- Launching Ramp 6 meters wide
- Total Land area 9,725 square meters
- Beach protection works and nourishment for 250 meters of coast