Skopelos and Neo Klima Submarine Sewage Disposal Pipelines - Skopelos Island
Skopelos Island, like most islands of the Aegean, had no sewage management infrastructure such as sewerage or Waste Water Treatment Plant. The needs of the residents were served by cesspools which had been emptied by tank tracks. The latter dropped the untreated waste water into the sea, without any control. This resulted in a noticeable deterioration of the marine environment of the Island with direct consequences on the quality of swimming water and the disturbance of people.
In 2001, the local Municipal Water and Sewage Department conducted a contest for designing and constructing the sewage network and Wastewater Treatment Plants that would cover the needs of both eastern (Skopelos and Stafylos village) and western part of the island (Neo Klima village). The works included submarine sewage disposal pipelines for both WWT Plans of Skopelos and Neo Klima.
The consultant engineer Albert Paul Yamin designed, on behalf of the offeror company "TOMH SA", the protection works of the two submarine sewage disposal pipelines, including their diffusion zones and their off-shore laying process. The study was successfully completed in 2001.
Project details:
• Submarine disposal pipelines made out of high density polyethylene HDPE 6 ATM.
Skopelos pipeline: The total length, including the diffuser, is 460m and the outer diameter is 355mm.
N. Klima pipeline: The total length, including the diffuser, is 470m and the outre diameter is 225mm.
• Installation of continuous and uniform ballast, out of concrete 6cm thick, in order to permit to the pipelines to float, during the offshore laying process and to sink gradually while it fills with seawater
• Armoring the pipelines with rocks and rock fills into the wave breaking zone
• Protection of pipelines with rock fills and concrete slabs, on top of them, outside the wave breaking zone and in the diffusion zone as well
• Placing floats, in order to mark the pipelines and secure maritime safety