Marmari Port - Evia Island
The port facilities of Marmari village serve the connection of south and southeast Evia Island with mainland Greece, through the port of Rafina, in Attica. However, the existing infrastructure is not able to cover the increasing need for transporting passengers and vehicles in the broader area. The main reasons are the inadequate land area, length and depth of the quay walls in order to secure the safe berthing of ferries and, finally, the problematic road connection with the local network.
With a view to face the problems mentioned before, the former Harbor Treasury of Marmari Port, contracted, in 2002, the consultant engineer Albert Paul Yamin and later CNWAY, the design of expansion and upgrade works of the existing port facilities. These works included a new port, in the south area of the basin, so as to serve the berthing of longer ferries and a windward mole to protect the basin and the berths from west, northwest and southwest waves.
Project facts:
• Construction cost: 11,460,000€
• 546m of new quay walls that serve three ferries up to 100m long. The one berth on the outside and the other two on the inside of the port basin
• New land area of 12,950 m2 that serves the temporary parking of 180 vehicles and facilities for the safe waiting of passengers (pavilion)
• Improvement of port access and connection with the local road network through widening the coastal road