Levanates Village - Fthiotida Region
The fishing activity in North and South Gulf of Evia is of significant importance since this area is considered to be the third most productive fishing field in Greece. The contribution of fisheries sector in the employment and income of the locals is obvious, and includes the presence of the fishing harbor in Levanates, where a lot of small professional and amateur boats berth.
Nevertheless, the natural processes in the broader sea area have led to sedimentation in the northwest part of the basin which resulted in the reduction of operating depths for berthing along the quay walls. Therefore, the offered number of berths was limited to thirty (30) and this downgraded the overall level of provided services of the harbour.
In order to face the adverse function conditions mentioned above, the former Municipality of Dafnousion contracted, in 2008, the consultant engineer Constantine Yamin, the conceptual design of the leeward mole expansion which was completed the same year in collaboration with CNWAY.
Project facts:
• Construction cost: 450,000€
• Capacity: 36 professional fishing boats up to 8m and 29 amateur fishing boats
• Total length of quay walls: 85m
• A new leeward mole 140.5m long consisting of 85m armored with quarry rocks along its outer side and 55.5m armored with quarry rocks on both sides
• Launching Ramp 7m wide
• Additional land area: 505m2
• Basin dredging