Corinthos Region Main Port
The port of Corinth is one of the most important commercial harbors of Greece, especially in container and secondly in bulk cargo transport. The continuous growth of commercial activities in the broader area pointed out the significant weaknesses, both in terms of function and of infrastructure that supports logistics processes. Furthermore, the last years the demand for cruise ship berth made its appearance, although the existing facilities cannot serve this kind of activity.
The upgrade of the existing infrastructure became mandatory, thus, the former Harbor Treasury of Corinth Port, contracted, after holding a competition, CNWAY for the design of the necessary marine works. They included the expansion and widening of the windward mole in order to ensure the side-by-side berthing of bulk cargo ships. In addition, a new quay wall was designed, along the coastline, to serve the berthing of a cruise ship.
Along with the port design, the former Harbor Treasury of Corinth Port contracted CNWAY the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study of the proposed marine works that belong to the class A1, according to the new Environmental Legislation Frame (4014/2012). Its object was the examination of the effects of construction and operation of the new port facilities in key parameters of natural and human environment and the proposal of actions so as to address the negative impacts on it.
Study facts:
• As a part of the necessary research, it was noted that Corinth is not included among protected areas of the Natura2000 network and there are no archeological sites nor in the sea neither in the land area of the new facilities. In addition, the port design is in harmony with the Regional and Urban Planning. These conditions facilitated the public advisory services for the overall environmental permitting of the project.
• The proposed measures to manage the negative impacts on the environment were:
- The right use of construction materials and equipment in order to reduce emissions of air pollutants
- The direct loading of bulk cargo to the trucks and the pause of any load or unload activity when northeast, north and east winds are blowing. These measures were taken due to the proximity of the facilities to the city coastal front and in order to reduce the micro particle emissions
- Traffic measures on the road network when heavy vehicles leave or arrive at the port in order to reduce the respective disturbance
- Implement a plan for preventing possible accidents during construction as well as during operation of the infrastructure
• Preparation of the Environmental Management Plan for the port, based on the International Standard EN ISO14001 and the EU EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme)