Central and South Tinos Island Road Network upgrade
The Tinos Island road network presents significant shortfalls, mainly due to adverse geometry like narrow width roads or blind turnings as well as damaged pavement etc. The paved roads of the inner network are insufficient to connect all villages and several of them are completely cut off from important touristic or other locations of the Island.
This results in the increase of traffic load to the already busy road network of Tinos town and of coastal roads that pass through small villages. This increase is mostly observed during summer time and it leads to further disturbance of leisure activities, tourism and housing that take place along the coast line.
In view of the above, the Region of South Aegean Islands launched a study to improve parts of the existing road network in central and south Tinos Island and to design new roadways which bypass the villages and towns and decrease any disturbance caused by traffic. After a successful bid a contract was awarded in 2000 to a consortium of engineering consultants led by Albert Paul Yamin.
In preliminary phase, the study included new alignment design and general upgrade for the following sections of the local road network and it was successfully completed in the same year (2000):
- Section 1: Coastal road from St. Fokas to St. Sostis till the junction with the existing provincial road network, 2,810m long, at the southeast part of the Island,
- Section 2: The connection of the ringroad of Tinos town and the bypass of Kionia village, 2,400m long, at the southwest part of the Island,
- Section 3: Road connection of Kato Kleisma village and Kolibithra beach 3,740m long at the north part of the Island,
- Section 4: Road connection of St. Ioannis bay and Lichnaftia village 5,270m long at the southeast part of the Island.
Technical design details:
- Total road planning length: 14.2km,
- Sections 1 and 2: Design speed Ve=50km/h. The total section width chosen was 8.00m, with one lane per direction 3.25m wide and 0.75m wide shoulders on both sides,
- Sections 3 and 4: Design speed Ve=40 km/h. The total section width chosen was 7.50m, with one lane per direction 3.00m wide and 0.75m wide shoulders on both sides.
- Design of forty six (46) tubular culverts and four (4) box culverts, which are distributed per sections as following:
- Sections 1 and 2: 13 tubular and 3 box culverts,
- Sections 3 and 4: 33 tubular and 1 box culvert. - The total estimated construction cost is 8,085,000€ and it is distributed per section as following:
- Section 1: 1,470,000€
- Section 2: 1,470,000€
- Section 3: 2,205,000€
- Section 4: 2,940,000€
In final design phase, the study included general interventions in order to upgrade the following sections of the local road network and it was successfully completed in 2004.
- Section 1: St. Marina (Isternia - Kato Klisma - Ag. Romanos junction) to St. Nikitas, 4,565.20m long,
- Section 2: St. Nikitas to Loutra village, 2,018m long,
- Section 3: St. Nikitas to Ktikado village, 811,90 m long.
Technical design details:
- Total road planning length: 7.4km,
- Design speed Ve=40-50km/h. The cross section width chosen was 6.00m, with one lane per direction 3.00m wide in addition to 1.5m wide shoulders on both sides at land fillings sections and 1.2m wide shoulders at land cuttings sections,
- Design for the expansion of existing tubular and box culverts and provision of new ones as following:
- Section 1: Design for the expansion of ten (10) existing tubular culverts and eleven (11) new,
- Section 2: Design for the expansion of five (5) existing box culverts and four (4) tubular ones as well as design of two (2) new tubular culverts,
- Section 3: Design for the expansion of four (4) existing box culverts. - New retaining walls as following:
- Section 1: Six (6) retaining walls 139m long,
- Section 2: Three (3) retaining walls 98m long,
- Section 3: Three (3) retaining walls 145m long. - Design of five (5) intersections.
- The total construction cost is 2.920.000€