Monemvasia Artificial Reefs - Lakonia Region
In the recent years at the coastal waters of the Peloponnese Region a significant reduction of the fish stock population due to overfishing and environmental pollution was observed. A decision was made to take action against the degradation of the socially and economically important coastal marine ecosystem by constructing an Artificial Reef at the sea zone of Monemvasia, which is located on the southern Peloponnese coast of Lakonia.
Based on the results of a fishing study that was implemented in 2011 by the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR), the Regional Unit of Laconia contracted CNWAY in 2013 to design the appropriate marine works for the artificial reef proposed in the sea zone north of Monemvasia, in the proximity of “Pori” beach.
Project Facts:
- Estimated Cost: 712,730 €
- According to the HCMR Study, the artificial reef was positioned near the Posidonia Oceanica meadows at a depth ranging between 20 and 32 meters
- The artificial reef occupies an area of 19,000 square meters and consist of 612 units in total made of concrete blocks and/or natural rock
- The reefs are divided into 5 groups. Each group is subdivided into 6 clusters perimetrically protected from drifting nets by 10 special units. Every cluster consists of 17 units of 3 different block types.