Kardamyla Village Fishing Harbour - Chios Island
The harbor facilities of Kardamyla village, in the north coastline of Chios Island, serve the fishing activity of the broader area. Nevertheless, they present a series of functional problems that are connected with inadequate protection of the basin from north waves and the limited length of quay walls available for the berthing of the fishing boats. In addition, the existing facilities cannot support the maritime connection with Plomari, Lesvos, which is located right across Kardamyla, and, therefore, the link between North Chios and Lesvos Island.
In order to improve the operational conditions of the existing facilities, the former Municipality of Kardamyla, after holding a contest, contracted a consortium led by CNWAY, the design of the necessary new marine works. Along with the harbor design, the employer assigned to a member of above consortium the preparation of the respective environmental studies, in two phases: the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment (PEIA) and the final Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The proposed works belong to class A2, according to the new Environmental Legislation Frame (4014/2012).
CNWAY, as a subcontractor, held the PEIA of the new harbor based on the old environmental legislation frame (1650/1986) and the EIA based on the new one (4014/2012). The procedure of environmental permitting of the project was complete in 2014 with the publishing of the Environmental Terms Approval Decision.
Study facts:
• As a part of the necessary research, it was noted that Kardamyla area belongs to a protected Special Area of Conservation of Natura2000 network by the title "North Chios, Oinousses Island and Coastline" and the code GR4130001. Due to that fact, a Special Ecological Evaluation Report was prepared so as to assess the impacts of construction and operation of the marine works to the protected elements of the Area (Posidonia Oceanica, flora, fauna etc)
• No archeological sites nor in the sea neither in the land area near the new facilities were identified
• The general proposed measures to manage the negative impacts on the environment were:
- Provision of personal hygiene infrastructure network for the fishermen and visitors of the harbor and their waste disposal to the existing sewage network of the village
- Installation of recycle bins
- Use of new antipollution technology construction equipment and of the new established electricity network of the harbor in order to decrease the quantities of air pollutants emissions
- Implement a plan for preventing possible accidents during construction as well as during operation of the infrastructure
• The special proposed measures to protect Posidonia Oceanica were:
- Prohibition of free anchoring of fishing boats outside the harbor
- Strict control of the waste of fishing boats
• Preparation of the Environmental Management Plan for the fishing harbor, based on the International Standard EN ISO14001 and the EU EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme)